ALL images and content are protected by copyright. Violations will be dealt with accordingly, including prosecution where applicable. If you want something, please contact me rather than stealing my work.
Yayyy, check it out!! I have finally got my new biz cards after over 7 years of the same old, hum-drum cards. And I now have a "digital" business card too, which I am told is the
latest thing for businesses. You can see my digital card by
clicking here or you can click the v-card icon at the bottom center of this blog. Now that I have confirmed the new printer's quality and how the colors actually look together in print, there will be more matching promo stuff coming soon: brochures, packaging, postcards, and more!
If everything goes as planned, I will be releasing my new type of session within the next week. It's fun and quirky and has the potential to be whatever you can imagine! I will also be offering some awesome specials (maybe even a few
FREEBIES) with the announcement. sure to stay up-to-date on my blog (you can subscribe at the bottom left).
No More Weddings! Yes, after much consideration and deliberation, I have decided not to book any weddings for at least a year. It's not because I am tired of all the happy newlyweds or even the stress of shooting a wedding. It is mostly because of the physical demands of properly photographing a wedding as well as the time investment to prep, shoot, and process everything. As most of you know, I started off my business many years ago shooting weddings and quickly booked every weekend from April to September with at least one wedding, and more often two or three. And during the week, I was doing corporate sessions for a magazine contract. This left little time to really truly develop and promote my own portrait photography. So, I am shifting my attention to portraits - families, kiddos, seniors, boudoir, and military. I am also working on a new idea for a new kind of portrait session. Hopefully, I will have the details hammered out in the next week or two.
I am excited about this decision and what will come of it. I look forward to what the upcoming year will bring and the many new people I will meet. Over the next couple months, I will be offering numerous exciting specials, discounts, and even a few freebies to attract new clients. Be sure to stay updated to take advantage of the opportunities!
Yes, anyone that knows me also knows that I am the very proud aunt to my sweet, ornery, and beautiful Makayla. She actually calls me Agggiee (pronounced by the letter...a-gee-e), which is closer to my name than "Geeee" that she was calling me (not that I care one little bit)! I actually got to spend some time with her recently but only brought my camera on one day. When we weren't playing drive-thru Sonic with my tator tots, she was in the tub...which she loves just about as much as eating my Sonic tots!!! So of course, I snapped a bunch of "naked baby in the tub" pics. The funnel was hilarious to her, and she had a blast funneling water onto her tummy.
I am a stickler about not posting naked baby pics that show any private parts that could be used in an inappropriate way by inappropriate people, so I do not post anything of the sort online to be accessed by the public, whether it is my family or a client. However with my sister's permission, I edited out a few things that were inappropriate for public viewing, and I kinda played with some new cartoon-effect actions. Here is my final result...and yes, feel free to oooh and awww over her cuteness as much as I do. ;)

We had the first real winter storm of the season and definitely the first for 2011. In less than 24 hours, we had approximately 18-inches of snow at our house...and it was real snow! Not the typical ice junk we normally get. Unfortunately, we also had up to 50 mph gusts of wind in single-digit temperatures, so it was really really cold. Me and the family tried to venture outside to play, but it didn't last too long. Mike, my thrill-seeking husband, jumped on the 4-wheeler and took off in the yard. He quickly discovered that it was too deep, and he could barely maneuver it around. April, our 8-year old, bundled up in hopes of making a snowman. She got preoccupied with eating the snow and chasing the dog, so no snowman. I, of course, grabbed my camera on a mission to snap some great shots. That proved to be difficult because the lens fogged up faster than I could clean it. Tucker, our faithful lab, had a blast! The cold didn't phase him one bit. He took of sprinting and jumping across the yard. He wanted to play, and roll, and run, and play some more. Here are a few pics I took yesterday.