ALL images and content are protected by copyright. Violations will be dealt with accordingly, including prosecution where applicable. If you want something, please contact me rather than stealing my work.

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Proofing Software

After over a month of testing, trial-runs, and client surveys of different proofing software, I have finally decided on one. It is much easier to maneuver in, the products/packages are categorized better, and the design matches my website and blog. All these wonderful benefits without the cons of having to increase my prices to justify an expensive system. :)

So effective the late evening of March 31st, all my client's current proofs will switch to the new software. Just before I make it active, I will save a copy of all your "favorites" on the old system. Your proofs will immediately be active (with the same login information) on the new site. If you need your list of Favorites sent to you, no prob. Just shoot me an email, and I will get it over asap!

I apologize for the inconvenience of the switch, but I have no doubt you will appreciate the ease of the new system. As always, thanks for your patience as I attempt to make your experience better.
- Ang


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