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Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas, News, & Updates

There are many things that I haven't blogged about yet, but it's the holidays so I've been a bit preoccupied. Here is the run-down version of what's been going on...

UPDATE: I am in the process of completely rebuilding my main website. I will no longer be using a "photographers template", but instead it will be built from scratch. I was originally going to launch it on Jan 1st, but alas I need it to be done sooner than that.  :(   With some new publicity (TV & newspaper) coming over the Christmas holidays in the OKC area, I want a fresh new look when potential clients stop by to visit.
UPDATE: In addition to a new main website, prices for certain sessions and products will be changing. Some higher, some lower, and some entirely new items. Print & product prices are only changing because of my lab updating their prices.
UPDATE: My Desired Assets boudoir website will likely launch over the next week, within days after Christmas. I am still building the gallery, but I hope for it to be 90% done when it goes public. The website link will be here:
NEWS: Today, I interviewed with Bryan Dean of The Oklahoman newspaper. She is working on a story about my participation with OpLove. After the interview, she mentioned that she was hoping to have it run this weekend...on Sunday, Christmas Day, on the COVER of the Metro Family section. She's not sure if that will happen with it being such an important weekend, but she is hopeful. I am too, but I am truly grateful for any publicity about this wonderful org!
NEWS: I set up the interview & filming schedule for Freedom 43 (tv news in OKC). They will be filming interviews & part of my client session on Tuesday, Dec 27th at a local park. It is still unsure when it will actually air on tv, but myself and my clients are very excited.
CHRISTMAS: Just in case you hadn't noticed...Christmas is this weekend! I was so busy getting last minute client orders to the various labs that I totally spaced out on ordering my own business Christmas Cards. Once I sent in my own order, the lab politely responded that they won't be ready until AFTER Christmas. Grrrrrr on me! So for all intended good thoughts and holiday wishes, here is the design of the card that all my clients would have received.   :)

Check back soon for more updates and posts! Meanwhile, I personally want to wish all my clients, fans, and colleagues a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Stay safe in your travels, and I look forward to seeing you next year!!!


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