ALL images and content are protected by copyright. Violations will be dealt with accordingly, including prosecution where applicable. If you want something, please contact me rather than stealing my work.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I love my family, but...

I recently made a shocking photography discovery. I love my family, but I have absolutely NO PICS of anyone hanging in my entire house!!! I only have one framed personal photo displayed (in my home office on the filing cabinet), and it is a small 5x7 print of my son and my niece. This really hit me the other day as I was ordering all of my clients' prints. Even though my wonderful husband has been griping about it for years, it just never really dawned on me. How bad is that when a photographer has no pics of her loved ones displayed in her home? To tell the truth, it's not that I just don't have family pics...I have nothing! Not one mountain scene; not one sunset on a tropical beach; not one single solitary image that I have taken. The exception to that being a 16x20 art-gallery mounted print of my limited-edition photo that was the cover of a book, a silhouetted cowboy riding into the sunrise that really almost looks like a painting (which again, is hanging in my office).

As I ponder this mysterious discovery of mine, I realized a couple of things. In my own personal opinion, I do not like personal photos to be hanging in common areas, such as the living room. Personal pics can be in stand-up frames on a shelf or something, but not hanging. Bedrooms, hallways, and other rooms are okay for hanging pics. Another thing I figured out is that I want my freelance photos hanging on the walls. I want awesome landscape-type images with glorious mats or canvas-mounts hanging. They either have to be very bright/saturated in color or a strong contrast, B&W image. And lastly, I think these realizations are probably why I don't feel "at home" in our home, even after living here for almost 3 years. The main thing that I am passionate about is no where to be found other than in my home office. And even there, it is more magazine covers, articles, and awards I have won rather than actual photos.

Soooo...last night I ordered lots of prints for my home. I ordered awesome scenic photos for the living room. I also ordered some great prints of several family members (me, hubby, kids, dogs, niece, etc). Since me and hubby are partially renovating our house - new paint, floors, etc - these new pics will be an awesome change for me. I am really excited, and impatient, for them to arrive!!!
- Ang

Monday, November 15, 2010

Anniversary in Sulphur

My wonderful husband and I took last weekend off to celebrate our anniversary (Nov 13th). We slipped away to a cabin between Davis and Sulphur, Oklahoma. It was soooo relaxing and peaceful! We ate like kings, including fresh steak and veggies on the grill. We curled up by the firepit and stretched out in the 8-person private hot tub (I really really need one of those on my back porch). Mike, my hubby, did some fishing and actually caught a few...although it's not the size that matters.  :)   And as usual, I was toting my camera to take pics of anything that caught my eye. I even managed to take a pic of the both of us, thanks to my camera remote and a perfectly located rock, on top of the Bromide Hill. Here are a few of my favs from the weekend. (Oh and BTW...the 4th pic with the rock bridge is called the Lincoln Bridge. It was built and dedicated in 1909 on Abe Lincoln's B-day (Feb 12th), which is also my b-day.)


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today is the day...

Want to make a difference today? Thank a veteran! Buy them a cup of coffee, fill up their gas tank, or just shake their hand. Thank them for their support, both foreign and domestic. Thank them for their dedication, to freedom and liberty. Thank them for their sacrifices; "all gave some and some gave all". Thank their families for being the backbone during their trials and tribulations. And always remember, we are the land of the FREE because of the BRAVE!

May God bless every man and woman currently in uniform. May God bless the retired vets that served their country. May God bless every soul that lost their life in uniform serving America. May God bless the wives, sons, mothers, and other family members that lost their beloved. Even without knowing you, each and every one of you are my hereos!! My family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Fun Idea...

I know it's been like 3 months since I have updated my blog. Things went from crazy to complete chaos, but they are starting to settle down now. So, I want to play a game with my fellow photographer friends, clients, and anyone else willing to play. Here is the idea: a photography scavenger hunt. It doesn't matter where you are located and if you are a pro photog or an amateur. You can use your imagination, whatever camera you have on hand, and whatever environment suits you.

The details:
a) Find and photograph things that fits any or all of these 10 criteria:
     01) something yellow
     02) two of a kind
     03) a sculpture or statue
     04) made of wood
     05) motorized toys
     06) past & present
     07) made for each other
     08) naturally grown
     09) opposites
     10) something yummy
b) Please, feel free to think outside the box by using your imagination and creativity!
c) Entries have to be submitted no later than November December 5, 2010.
d) The entries must be your own photo! (I am not responsible for any copyright infringement!!!)
e) To post your entry, join my public Facebook Group "Photography Scavenger Hunt" and post on the wall. Feel free to invite your family and friends to play.
f) Be sure to note which of the 10 categories your photo is for and any other comments you want known.

This game is to help encourage positive feedback between photographers as well as encouraging amateurs on their photos, not to mention the chance to see things thru others eyes. Please feel free to provide feedback or constructive criticism on others' photos (abuse and rude comments will be removed). I don't know about other states, but I know that here in Oklahoma most pro photographers do not discuss thoughts or encourage other photographers. It's as if you need top-secret clearance to even trade ideas, which is a shame! I want to break down those barriers.

I am working on obtaining some small "prizes" for the winners of each category, depending on the number of participants/entries. Nothing is set in stone, but I think it would be nice to acknowledge the best entries. :)  Judging will not be based solely on photography skills, but also on creativity of thinking "outside the box". Please play with me! Good luck everyone.  :)
- Ang

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